Financial Code of Ethics of A.E. Ramassà

The Associació Esportiva Ramassà is an organisation that receives the majority of its funding via private funds, thus by obtaining funds and donations from companies, foundations or donors, either private or public, they obtain funding, with the aim of becoming financially independent,
in agreement with the shareholders’ interests and the values of this organisation and of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Any funding obtained has to be legitimate under the protection of human rights and in agreement with the collection of principles in the Articles and in the Strategic Plan of this year, which companies, foundations and donors who want to collaborate with the organisation will have to abide with. In no case should they compromise the values, projects or staff of the organisation, or compromise the organisation’s independence before external influences.

Under no circumstances may the acceptance of funds and partnership with companies, foundations and major donors compromise the work and security of the workers, shareholders and projects of the organisation. The organisation will not cooperate with regard to the following premises:

A.E. Ramassà will not accept donations from companies, foundations or donors who are directly convicted of any type of irregular activities or suspected of it.

Any activity that negatively affects ethnic minorities who live in protected natural areas and who do not respect the rules and international treaties on the environment.

A.E. Ramassà will not maintain collaborative or financial relations with companies or organisations who form part of the weapons sector.

Companies or foundations who carry out activities which do not respect the international ordinary law will be ruled out.

The organisation will not accept donations from companies who promote alcohol and tobacco, as this clashes with medical ethics, public health and sports practice.

 No donations will be accepted from companies, foundations or donors who do not respect Children’s Rights Declaration. Thus, any company that has been accused of child labour or child pornography will be ruled out.

The company, foundation or donor should respect the standards related to forced labour.

Thus, the organisation encourages partnership with companies, foundations or donors whose activity aims to find good practice and respect of international treaties:

A.E. Ramassà supports partnership with companies, foundations or donors who integrate the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in their activities.

A.E. Ramassà will develop global and institutional agreements with companies, foundations or donors who share their principles and values.

Human rights should be respected, such as dignity, diversity and identification of those that relate to them. Besides international conventions related to the fight against racism and xenophobia.

The organisation promotes and fosters partnership and relations with companies who favour collaborative economy, intersectionality and gender quality among its workers.

A.E. Ramassà will decide the destination of the donation and this will be decided based on the operational and financial necessities at the time. However, if the donation is done in favour of a concrete project, the organisation should agree that this donation is given due to its achievement, along with a respective justification and evaluation in each case.


If the company, foundation or donor complies with the requirements aforementioned in this document, it will be acknowledged as a partner by this organisation. Furthermore, the organisation will encourage its use in the product’s commercial activities, in which it will be an instrument of awareness or education in agreement with the principles and values it defends.


The communication and broadcast of the partnership with companies, foundations and donors should be proved by responsible members of the organisation, as if it does not comply with the organisation’s principles it will not be valid.


A.E. Ramassà reserves the right to decline a partnership or even give back a donation if it does not meet this code of relations with companies, donors or foundations. It is also committed to approaching public institutions who have the right to control and sanction these companies for operating mechanisms which oblige them to act by law of the source country.

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