Training Centre in the Etetack neighbourhood of Yaoundé, Cameroon.

Etetack is a neighbourhood found in the north of the city Yaoundé, in Cameroon. It is a neighbourhood with a cosmopolitan and heterogenous population. It is known for its modest quality of buildings and for its inhabitants low purchasing power. 75% of the houses are constructed with precarious materials and one of the main problems they face is the lack of drinking water supply..


The socioeconomic difficulties local families face has a negative impact on development opportunities for children and youngsters. Access to basic services, such as education, health, water and sanitation is precarious, meaning their life circumstances are reduced to short and long term.


With this project, A.E. Ramassà, in collaboration with Ramassà Cameroon (former Cefosjec), is set to build a Training Centre which will see to the basic needs of the children and young population of Etetack and will work on the social inclusion of the most vulnerable.


The Training Centre will provide educational support to orphaned children in the neighbourhood, supporting them with schooling costs. Compagnie Ramassà Culture has also been set up and aims to use dance and theatre as a tool of social inclusion for the younger population.

Lastly, the football school Ramassà Espoir d’Etetack, in association with A.E Ramassà, has been formed and promoted. Here children and youngsters will be trained in football practice and will be taught values which characterise the Ramassà Foundation. Both the men’s and women’s teams are divided into four categories:

Children under 8

Children under 10

Children under 12

Children under 14

Children over 14

With all these activities, the Training Centre will become the engine needed to initiate the social inclusion of all Etetack’s children and youngsters in vulnerable situations.


Train children and youngsters in football and in values.

Improve access to education for children and youngsters in the area.

Facilitate social inclusion for children and youngsters at risk of social exclusion by doing cultural activities.

Promote Women’s Sport

Empower the Etetack community and reinforce their social organisations.


The children and youngsters of Etetack who are at risk of social exclusion and who will enjoy going to the Training Centre. The whole community will also from the project, as the activities will help empower those who participate, even if it is done indirectly.


In order to obtain the goals, the following activities will take place:

Construct the Etetack Training Centre and create the organigram.

Provide schooling for children at risk of social exclusion.

Organise cultural activities, set up and manage the Ramassà dance and theatre company.

Set up and manage the football school Ramassà Espoir d’Etetack

Purchase sports supplies and equipment for all groups at the football school

Register all football teams in municipal and regional championships

Train coaches, teachers and leaders of all activities at the Training Centre

Develop awareness campaigns based on health and education

Create a network of contributors along with other social organisations of the neighbourhood/city/country


Impact of actions during the COVID-19 health emergency

on the Etetack neighbourhood of Yaoundé (Cameroon)

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