Awareness and EPD

The club’s social task also includes awareness and educational activities for development, at both national and international levels. The main activities carried out in this setting are:

Hosting lectures, conferences and all kinds of actions to promote the solidarity work we are conducting and also sharing our experiences to encourage other organisations to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Visiting schools and high schools to talk about sport, cooperation and solidarity, and also presenting our project and the story behind it.

‘Goals for Africa: Jornades d’Esport i Cooperació’ Organisation: conferences, round tables and other activities to talk about the role of sport as a tool of social transformation

During our solidarity trips we also:

Promote Catalan traditions, such as Saint George, in all the countries we visit.

For three years now we have promoted our solidarity stories, which we use for educational activities for development and to raise funds for projects we collaborate with.


From AE Ramassà, we believe that a great way to spread our project is through the NO CHILD WITHOUT A STORY initiative, by making our stories available for download and reading.

“2030 Agenda”: Along with Jordi Melich and Adria Grau, friends and partners of the club, we organise talks online via Instagram (@aeramassa) to speak about topics related to sport, cooperation, solidarity, social action, Africa, SDG, etc. with the aim of dealing with reality, drawing attention to initiatives and sharing different ways of understanding the world.


Up till now, Alberto Edjogo-Owono, Sergi Mingote, Natàlia Anguera, Chema Caballero, etc. have all participated in the new initiative.

SDG we are working on:

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