A.E. Ramassà Code of Ethics

Our club values are:





Team Spirit








All club and team members matter. We are all equal, we all have a job to do and the responsibility of doing it the best way possible.


Our goal is to stop focusing on ourselves and learn how to focus on others in order to feel ourselves. For our team, the team is more important than the individual, it is our backbone. We have to give everything we can to help others.


Our association is based on respect. Our code of ethics is the following:

Respect the club and its values.

L’A.E. Ramassà considera que la seva imatge i reputació són un dels seus principals actius per preservar la confiança dels seus socis, seguidors i patrocinadors.


En aquest sentit, els jugadors i membres del club hauran de posar la màxima cura en preservar la imatge i reputació d’aquest en totes i cadascuna de les seves actuacions públiques.


El jugador i membres de l’A.E. Ramassà hauran de ser igualment acurats en qualsevol intervenció pública en la qual participin, havent d’informar prèviament als seus responsables, en condició de representants de l’entitat, davant els mitjans de comunicació, en xarxes socials o en qualsevol altre tipus d’acte en el qual existeixin indicis que puguin aconseguir una determinada difusió i repercussió pública.

Respecting the public

The public, no matter what team they support, is one of the main protagonists of this sport. In youth football, the public consists of families, friends, club members or people from the neighbourhood, among others. They are both shareholders who love football as well as people who love the club and want it to grow.

Footballers should respect the public and should support other clubs, especially when expressing dissatisfaction. After all, the public are watching a performance and it is down to the footballers to deliver that with effort, whether they win or lose. This is why A.E Ramassà players, when going on and off the pitch, greet and applaud the opposing team supporters for coming to watch the game.


In the same way the club demands respect towards the opposing team, the players also have to be on their best behaviour with their own supporters.

Respecting the referees

The referee is the judge of the match who decides which actions in the game are valid. Apart from being under a lot of pressure (common in any job), this fear increases when having to confront a lot of people, then having to impose their decisions in an active or passive way. It is important to remember that the referee is human and, just as we all make mistakes, they also make them. This is why when addressing them, they should be treated politely and their decisions must be respected, even when we know they are not correct.

Respecting the opponents

Opponents are companions on the pitch. They should be respected by playing fairly and by not hurting them and when that happens (accidentally), players should apologise. When playing a home game, opponents should be treated not as a rival, but as a guest. The players should be polite before playing a match, by leaving them the equipment and space they need so they can do their job. When the match begins and finishes, they will be greeted the same way a guest would be at home.

Respecting the coach and coaching staff

The coach is the team leader, who spends their time improving team performance, thinking up workouts and strategies to achieve them. If they are not focused during training, instructions will not be understood, and it will be a waste of time. During matches, it is the coach who has the right to choose the line-up and make changes, and that should be respected by all team members.

Respecting moral and educational/professional commitments

Football is a sport that champions values that are very defineds, such as camaraderie, leading a healthy lifestyle, respect, etc. Therefore players, along with the rest of the team, have to develop and provide these moral values.

Individual and joint performance development

All footballers should try to contribute to personal and joint improvement through developing their performance. They must go to all training sessions and matches and give it their all on both occasions. Similarly, they should be aware that they belong to a team which has a form of game they should adapt to.

Respecting the team

All team members should be respected as they expect to be respected themselves. In this respect; insults, arguments and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated, as on the pitch, individual decisions and errors made by teammates must be accepted. If one team is not respected off the pitch, they cannot be respected on the pitch.

Pride of belonging to the club

The club defends and tends to its players’ interests, treating them the best way possible so they feel proud to belong to A.E Ramassà, a supportive and committed club, a club of values.

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