The “Inclusive women’s football for newcomers, asylum seekers and refugees in Barcelona” project, launched in May 2021, aims to facilitate the integration of adult girls into Catalan territory, improving access to physical activity and sports practice.
Weekly football training sessions are organized, facilitated by a social integrator, accompanied by a care service for the participants’ children during the sessions to facilitate family conciliation. Recreational-sports outings are also organized during the season to create new networks and circles of personal relationships that are very important during this phase of their lives.
In addition, during the 2022-23 season, we opened a new area of work to achieve better access to training oriented to the interests of each participant, creating personalized itineraries for each of them to improve their job placement in the employment market. Additionally, we organize specific workshops and sessions to improve the well-being and self-esteem of each of the participants.
We have the support of UNHCR Spain, and we work hand in hand with social entities such as CEAR, Apip-Acam Foundation, Red Cross, ACATHI, Accem and
The inclusive women’s football project for newcomers, asylum seekers and refugees is an innovative initiative that responds to a hitherto unresolved problem. Despite the momentum that women’s sports is taking in recent years, and taking into account the increase in migratory flows generated during the last decade, from the A.E. Ramassà we observed that there were no projects in the field of sports for development that facilitated the reception and integration of the female group.
Reviewing the existing initiatives in Catalan territory, we saw that all the projects that worked on sports and refugees were aimed at the male group. For this reason, the decision was made to start a social project that would facilitate access to sports practice focused on the group of recently arrived women, asylum seekers and refugees who arrive in Catalan territory, thus improving their integration in Catalonia.
Facilitate the inclusion and reception of women at risk of social exclusion who do not have access to sport practice.
Promote cohabitation between different communities and cultures, bringing together the different realities that exist in the territory.
Defend, raise awareness and promote women’s sport, fighting off stereotypes and prejudice.
Improve access to specific training and facilitate opportunities to enter the labor market
Collaborative Organisation
During these past years, we have been part of two European projects:
SDG to work on:
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