Cameroon (2017-2023)

For 5 years, we have collaborated with the local association Centre de Éducation, Formation et Sensibilisation de la Jeunesse (CEFOSJEC) with the Etetack football academy and training center project.


Etetack is a neighborhood located on the outskirts of the city of Yaoundé, in Cameroon. It is a neighborhood with a majority of migrant and heterogeneous population. The socioeconomic difficulties faced by families residing in Etetack have a negative impact on the development opportunities of children and young people. Access to basic services, such as education, health, water and sanitation, is precarious, and this means that their living conditions are diminished in the short and long term.

The lines of action worked on in this project have been the following:

– Creation of a football academy for boys and girls at risk of social exclusion


– Creation of the training center to carry out school revision classes (English, French, mathematics, computer science).


– Help in the schooling of 17 boys and girls in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability, the most serious cases arriving at the center, almost always orphaned boys and girls or with single-parent families who could not take care of school expenses.

The established objectives were:

To facilitate access to sports and physical activity for the boys, girls and young people of Etetack

To improve access to education for children and young people in the neighborhood

To facilitate the social inclusion of boys, girls and young people at risk of social exclusion through cultural activities

To promote the practice of women’s sports

To empower the Etetack community and strengthen its social organizations

These 5 years of collaboration have allowed us to create a great positive social impact for the Etetack community.


The project has been consolidated in both the sporting and educational aspects, and this has been possible, in large part, thanks to the support of the Catalan Development Cooperation Fund, through which the collaboration of several town councils have been achieved:


Vallromanes, Vic, la Roca del Vallès, Granollers, Barberà del Vallès, Montmeló, Pallejà, Cabrera de Mar and les Franqueses del Vallès (the latter from the direct collaboration agreement).


We share the impact data of the project:

Construction of the Etetack Training Center and creation of the project organization chart.

Resizing and leveling of the football field with official measures to play federated matches.

Schooling of 17 boys and girls at risk of social exclusion.

Creation of two women’s teams U13 and U15.

Registration of 2 teams in the FECAFOOT federated leagues.

Equipment of the training center with connection WIFI and organization of online training activities using the new computer room.

Purchase of material and sports equipment for all categories of the football school, equipping all teams with Ramassà clothing.

Creation and management of the football academy, where 150 boys, girls and adolescents have taken part and have enjoyed weekly training sessions and organized competitions.

Coordination of school revision classes, where 35 boys, girls and adolescents have received weekly lessons in English, French, mathematics and computer science.

Organization of cultural activities, creation and management of the Ramassà dance and theater company.

Purchase of a vehicle to transport project participants.

Official training of CEFOSJEC coaches, teachers and leaders.

Carrying out awareness campaigns on issues related to education, sports and health.

Creation of a network of collaborators with other social, public and private entities in the city of Yaoundé.

Establishment of direct institutional relations with the mayor’s office of the Yaoundé 2 district.

Shipping of sports, school and computer equipment from Barcelona by sea (500kg)

Increase from 1 to 35% in the connection rate of Etetack homes to the drinking water service, thanks to the connections made by Ramassà during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Decrease by 6% in cases of diseases related to poor water quality treated by the neighborhood health center (35% in 2020 to 29% in 2022).

At the end of 2023, the collaboration with the Etetack football school and training center project ends. CEFOSJEC and A.E. Ramassà have grown together and we are happy to have shared this path for all these years. We trust each of the people who make up CEFOSJEC, and we wish great success in the future.

SDGs worked:

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