Collaborations with companies

Sport and social impact

Collaborate with us through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)!

We offer CSR collaborations to increase the positive social impact of our projects and generate shared value that allows your company to

Increase positive brand awareness

Work and promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Expand our support and social impact

Raise sport as a tool for transformation and social integration

We offer you different ways of collaboration and generation of shared value


We organize talks for the staff of your company to publicize the impact that sport has on issues of social integration of groups at risk of social exclusion



We create joint awareness campaigns or organize specific events or events to promote physical activity and sport as a tool for social transformation.



Involve the staff of your company in the development of our projects and involve them in voluntary activities to generate positive social impact in our society.



Make direct financial contributions to our entity to provide stability and viability in the medium and long term to our work, or direct them directly to one of our specific projects.

Learn about the impact data of our projects

Etetack international cooperation project

Construction of the Etetack Training Center and creation of the project organization chart.

Resizing and leveling of the football field with official measures to play federated matches.

Schooling of 17 boys and girls at risk of social exclusion.

Creation of two women’s teams U13 and U15.

Registration of 2 teams in the FECAFOOT federated leagues.

Equipment of the training center with connection WIFI and organization of online training activities using the new computer room.

Purchase of material and sports equipment for all categories of the football school, equipping all teams with Ramassà clothing.

Creation and management of the football academy, where 150 boys, girls and adolescents have taken part and have enjoyed weekly training sessions and organized competitions.

Coordination of school revision classes, where 35 boys, girls and adolescents have received weekly lessons in English, French, mathematics and computer science.

Organization of cultural activities, creation and management of the Ramassà dance and theater company.

Purchase of a vehicle to transport project participants.

Official training of CEFOSJEC coaches, teachers and leaders.

Carrying out awareness campaigns on issues related to education, sports and health.

Creation of a network of collaborators with other social, public and private entities in the city of Yaoundé.

Establishment of direct institutional relations with the mayor’s office of the Yaoundé 2 district.

Shipping of sports, school and computer equipment from Barcelona by sea (500kg)

Increase from 1 to 35% in the connection rate of Etetack homes to the drinking water service, thanks to the connections made by Ramassà during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Decrease by 6% in cases of diseases related to poor water quality treated by the neighborhood health center (35% in 2020 to 29% in 2022).

At the end of the 2022-23 season of the project “Inclusive women’s football for newly arrived girls, asylum seekers and refugees”, we carried out an evaluation of the project. We share some impact data and results of the satisfaction survey that we distributed among the participants:

Enrollment in different courses and training opportunities oriented to their interests for 16 of the participants.


Dual Professional Training Contract for 2 of the participants, with paid internships for 1 year.


More than 50% of the participants in the project have received some kind of complementary training.


100% of the respondents would recommend participating in the project to other girls in the same situation.


100% of the respondents rate very positively the childcare service organized by the participants’ sons/daughters during training.


96% of the participants say that the project has given them new skills in relational and integration in the territory.

We work to promote the United Nations SDGs

Our projects contribute to achieving the following SDGs

Make known your involvement in social projects

Participating in our projects will not only generate a differential social impact, but your organization will also enjoy advantages

You can show your brand represented on our website as an official CSR collaborating entity, sharing your support in detail

Create positive awareness of your brand through campaigns and mentions on social networks

Use our brand to show your involvement through your own public channels

Are you interested in collaborating with our entity?

Send us a message via email and ask us for the information you need or make the proposal you think is appropriate.

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