30 Jun ⚠️⚠️ CALL for ordinary general assembly of club members
Members of AE Ramassà! We inform you that next Tuesday July 13 at 7:00 p.m., we will celebrate at the Masía Can Ribas de les Franqueses del Vallès (Camí Antic de Vic 10, Corró d’Avall) the ordinary general assembly of club members.
As in all assemblies, it is a key moment to discuss important issues for the entity, to be informed and to contribute ideas or vote on proposals.
The order of the day will be as follows:
-Reading and approval, if it proceeds, of the previous record
-Reading and approval, if applicable, of the 2020 statement of accounts
-Reading and approval, if applicable, of the 2021 budget
-Memory of activities and services carried out during 2020
-Etetack Project with the Catalan Cooperation Fund
-Inclusive Women’s Project BCN
-New sports season
-Open question time
Your attendance is very important! Don’t miss it!